Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Who is Building It?

You know how you have those key things that come back to you throughout your life?  This could be a scripture verse, a song/lyrics, a great quote or something that someone said to you.  For me, the first part of Psalm 127:1 falls under this category.  These are words that are never far from my heart.  I am someone who oftentimes takes on new roles, challenges, programs, etc.  I like to keep it interesting!  What can I say?  But there is a bottom line that is more important to me than any level of success.  "Unless the Lord builds the house..." echos in my heart.  This causes me to step back and ask myself WHO is doing the building in this area?  Is it all me?  Trust me, I am a determined farm girl who is going to dig in and get it done.  On my good days, this is tenacity.  :)  Other days, it is plain old stubbornness!  My Grandpa Neizmik was one of the most influential people in my life.  He frequently said to me, "Try hard, best you can".  This has stayed with me!
I am certainly one who can get tangled up in the moment with things.  The key is for me to stay close enough to the Lord to be able to hear his whisper of direction.  This is no small feat in our busy world!    It is amazing how our perception of something can change with a little shift in perspective.  
Isaiah 55:8-13
 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow
    come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
    without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
    so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 
 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  
You will go out in joy
    and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
    will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
    will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper,
    and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the Lord’s renown,
    for an everlasting sign,
    that will endure forever.”

I will never forget the view that I experienced while traveling back from MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) convention this past October.  We had been out in Kansas City for this amazing event.  My two children had stayed behind with my parents and husband.  They have never been up in the sky in an airplane and they wanted me to take some photos for them.  It was while looking out the window at that moment that I caught a glimpse of how God sees the bigger picture and we are running around all caught up in the details.  As I pause and remember who HE is and who I am, I am challenged on whether or not I am trusting Him?  Am I being obedient to what I know to be true?  If so, then there is honestly nothing going on in my life right now that is worth my worry.  God is faithful and I can rest in Him.  Here is a song that gets me every time.  This is my re-focus!  Check out "Clear the Stage".


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