Monday, July 21, 2014

Challenger Spotlight: Rebecca Beam (#1 in Series)

Hello!  Thank you for stopping by my blog.  This evening I am putting together the first in a new series.  I will be spotlighting a challenge group participant on a regular basis.  These entries are not necessarily the unveiling of a dramatic before/after that has already taken place for an individual.  Tonight I am so happy to be able to share with you Rebecca Beam and her own story of what has brought her to this point in her fitness and nutrition journey.  Rebecca is just a couple of weeks into her first ever Challenge Group!  She is a member of my PiYo group and it is so nice to have her there.  As you read through her story below, you will see how spending time with people like Rebecca is a great perk of coaching!  We first met at church several years ago while attending a membership class.  I have enjoyed getting to know more of Rebecca in recent days as we are both homeschooling moms.  She is a wealth of information and perspective!  Rebecca is the director of our local "Classical Conversations" homeschooling campus and I will be taking on a new role as a tutor there this fall.  So I am looking forward to spending time with this nifty woman through a variety of our growing shared connections.  Here we go!  Meet Rebecca Beam!

"Being a native Floridian, it was quite an adjustment to relocate to Girard, PA just over 6 years ago when my husband, Justin, took a job at his family’s business.  I never dreamed of living in a place where shorts and flip flops were not everyday attire.  That’s what love will do to you, though.  I am now the proud owner of a Columbia Parka and a pair of Sorel Snow Boots.

As a former cancer patient, I was once informed that it would be highly improbable to have children due to complications from treatment.  How very blessed we are by our very gracious God to enjoy the gifts of Madison Karis, Michael Kenneth, and Matthew Knox.  Yes, all MKB.  WWhy?  Because that’s how we roll.  It is truly a joy to be their parents as we strive to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  God is good! 

All rights belong to Lauren Harris

After Madison was born, I left work at Coral Ridge Ministries Media to become a stay at home Mom.  I loved spending time at home with our precious baby girl.  When she was about 9 months old, I was grocery shopping and experienced an incredible wave of nausea as I passed the fresh seafood stand.  “This is a very special and explicit brand of nausea,” I thought to myself.  Off to the pregnancy test aisle I went.  Sure enough, blessings again as we would soon meet our son, Michael.  The weight came and went with each pregnancy in normal fashion.  In fact, nursing worked SO well with getting rid of baby weight that I thought I’d just enjoy myself a bit more while pregnant with our third baby, and enjoy myself, I did!  Only this time, nursing didn’t budge the weight.  If anything, it held on to it like a vise grip.  Six months after Matthew was born, I was still in maternity clothes and panicking.  

My mother gently informed me that I needed to get out of maternity clothes, bite the bullet, and buy big girl sizes until I could get rid of the weight.  She paid for me to go to Weight Watchers and after a year, the weight was gone.  I enjoyed WW but as I was learning more about healthy eating and exercise, I knew something was missing.  My food choices weren’t always the best and most nutritious.  I still felt tired and lethargic at times.

The days were getting busier as I became a homeschooling mom and then the director of Erie Classical Conversations (a homeschooling community).  I love what I do, but it can be quite stressful and busy, day in and day out.  The weekends were about relaxing and enjoying picnics in the summer and rich, fattening comfort foods in the alien-like winters.The weight was creeping back on and I knew I needed to make a sustainable change.  

I met Jeanette at our church, First Alliance, a couple of years ago but really got to know her as she, too, became a homeschooling mom and joined Erie CC.  I had watched her amazing transformation and started to follow her progress  through Facebook.  I started to read about the PiYo Challenge and became instantly intrigued.  I could barely touch my toes so I knew stretching and strength training exercises would be great.  I was definitely concerned that I wouldn’t be able to do the exercises, but with Jeanette’s coaching and encouragement, as well as being a part of a wonderful group of gals all suffering…I mean, doing this together, it has been a wonderful experience.  I love the accountability of the group, as well as the tips and recipes that we all share.    

It has been surprising to me how quickly I have been able to improve my strength and flexibility.  The most surprising part of the challenge, though, has been a new-found love for Shakeology.  An acquaintance of mine had asked me to try it last February.  I had a terrible first impression and thought I would never like or drink it again.  Jeanette encouraged me to try it again, only this time with a different recipe.  Now, I look forward to having my Shakeology every morning after my PiYo workout and I feel amazing.  Between Shakeology and the PiYo Clean Eating Plan, I am losing weight and feeling energized throughout the day! 

I am looking forward to completing this 60 day challenge with awesome results and starting a new workout plan/challenge next.  I can’t say enough about what a difference itmakes to have an encouraging coach and a great team behind you in the journey to better health.  Anyone can do it.  Feel better today!"

Rebecca’s Favorite Shakeology Recipe:
1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology
7 oz. almond milk
6 oz. water
½ cup frozen strawberries
½ cup fresh strawberries
Juice of one lime

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