Saturday, June 7, 2014

This past week...

We are having another beautiful morning here in Erie!  I was just out walking our little dog and was thinking about this past week.  We made a bigger loop since it is Saturday and we don't have to be anywhere until a lunchtime picnic with our small group.  As I reflected on the past week it was interesting to see a common theme and to settle in my heart the things that I am learning.  So I decided to think as I type and put the pieces together via blog entry.  :)

Last Saturday we had gone to the beach.  The lake was still quite chilly but my seven year old daughter and I were in the water for a little while, of course!  We couldn't resist!  The sand was hot and the day was beautiful.  And something kind of crazy happened to me!!!!!  Both kids were contentedly playing in the sand for quite some time (maybe due to the COLD water factor??) and my husband was good with manning both of them.  I stretched out on the hot sand and took some time to "just be".  For those who typically go to the beach with kids, you know how RARE this is!  Check out this hilarious (and all too true!) perspective that my friend Claire had shared on her FB page earlier this week.  Back to me on my own 30 minute mini-vacation last Saturday... I could hear the nearby voices of my family but if I focused my hearing I was more aware of the sound of the waves.  I love that sound.  I drifted into a peaceful sleep while listening to it.  When I woke up and heard it again I was reminded of how we can choose to tune in to God's love and hand on our lives.  He IS there but we don't always stop and hold still long enough to recognize Him.  So many other things (and people!) literally clamor for our attention. 

Fast forward to Thursday... One of those afternoons where feeling overwhelmed was about to take over!  Many of us wear several (or more!) hats in life.  Most of the time it is all fine.  But sometimes you find yourself in the middle of a ten day period where all of the "things" that are usually on more of a spaced rotation have suddenly crowded into one block of your calendar.  I realize that at times I do this to myself.  Here is my worst thing.  When someone is trying to schedule something that involves me as an active participant, I feel ridiculous saying that I best could fit that in 3-4 weeks from now.  I realize that there is a balance and I am getting better with this.  When I stop and look at the bigger picture, it is all fine.  It is just that in the midst of it I hate the feeling of temporary claustrophobia on our schedule but honestly don't know where I would make cuts.  I was prepping lots of veggies Thursday afternoon and cooking for my own family and preparing a meal for another family.  I was on the verge of tears and my college friend Laurie posted something on her FB page that was JUST THE THING I needed to hear.  Guess why?  Powerful melody is one part but words straight from God's Word is the biggest part.  
Laurie typed this with a link: "ever felt like God doesn't hear your prayers??? has forgotten about you??? yet His word says He never leaves us, never forsakes us,never gives up on us because His heart is toward us...this is an awesome listen, w the goodness really kicking into gear @ the 3:32 mark".  

Well, I listened to this FOUR times through while finishing my kitchen work.  Major exhale and things came back into focus.

Thursday evening we took the kids up to the Peninsula to ride their bikes on the wide part of the trail that begins at the Stull center and goes out for 1.5 miles with that same width.  This part of the trail is on the "lake side" rather than the "bay side".  There were LOTS of waves Thursday evening and as my husband and I walked along I was reminded of the time that I spent reflecting while relaxing on the sand over the weekend.  There are times in life where we can experience God's love so easily.  We see it everywhere.  Then there are other times where we really, really have to tune in and be extra-vigilant in quieting our hearts to focus.  As we walked on Thursday I would pause every now and then to just hear the waves and think of the game-changer Scripture verses that I had heard via my friend Laurie's song link from earlier that afternoon.  We have someone who will teach us HIS ways if we are willing to learn.

Yesterday morning I woke up and read the chapter surrounding the Bible Gateway verse of the day.  The excerpt below is from Ephesians 3:16-19.    

"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God."

I have read these verses many, many times in my life.  But what jumped out at me yesterday is that what we really need is to experience the Love of Christ, even though we can't fully understand it.  Living in the light of his love is what makes life different for me.  

This morning I was reading Psalm 90 which is the chapter where today's verse of the day is found. I have Bible Gateway as an app on my phone and read the verse of the day (plus surrounding chapter) before getting out of bed each morning.   

Verse 14 says "Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love,
    so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives."

While walking the dog this morning, I was thinking about how it is His unfailing love that satisfies us.  We can try and try to fill in the gap with other things but it just does not work!    

In closing, here is the song that I am going to remember when I look back on this time in my life.  Check out "I AM" from David Crowder Band"There's no space that His love can't reach
There's no place where we can't find peace
There's no end to amazing grace"

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