Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In the Middle?

On Sunday I was on a little road trip with my daughter.  We were headed out to Cleveland to hear a friend play her violin in a chamber orchestra.  The location is about 85 miles from our home in Erie.  On the way my daughter was watching Mary Poppins and I actually had some quiet time to just think.  How often does that happen during the day when you have two young children with you the majority of the time?  Anyways, I was reflecting on the past few years of my life and this next chapter that has just begun.  I knew that later in the evening I would be meeting with a team of women who have led the Women's Ministry at our church these past few years.  As of ten days ago, I am the new leader of this team.  

As the miles passed I thought back to my junior year internship in NYC.  My college class was involved with all sorts of experiences around the city.  This was during the autumn of 1999.  We were also taking a couple of classes during our two months spent at NYSUM.

One of our instructors challenged us to ask three questions of ourselves as we entered a new situation...  Who am I?  What am I doing here? What do I have to impart?  Big questions!  Especially now as I am walking into an area where I will be surrounded by many who are older and wiser than me!  :)  Lesson #1 was learned Sunday night, actually!  More on that in a minute.

While driving across I-90 on Sunday, I was thinking of a song that came out just after I graduated from high school.  I'll never forget the first time that I heard it!  I was living down in MD and was working at my first "real job" that was 4+ hours from home.  "One Headlight" by the Wallflowers was released to radio and I was hooked!  I was intrigued so much by the melody and lyrics the first time I heard it that I completely missed my exit on a route that I had been traveling for months!  This "classic" crossed my mind while driving on Sunday and I had to look it up (using talk to text!) on YouTube.  The same part jumped out at me all over again.  "There's got to be something better than in the middle..."  Yes!  THIS is part of what is in my heart as I take on my new leadership role.   

While gathered around a table with five other women Sunday night, I began to talk about an "old song" that I had not heard in years and how it is a classic but they may not have heard it in awhile.  I went on to share how this song came out back when I graduated from high school.  OH BOY!  Oops!  I did get one high-five from a fellow class of 96'er.  The other ladies had a few groans mixed with laughter and mention of "Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog" as more of a "classic old song".  :)  Lesson learned!  No more "classic old song" references when talking about less than 20 years ago!   Especially when I am one of the younger individuals present.  Life is funny with how things cycle.  I will "graduate" out of my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group this month as my youngest child is nearly school-age.  My friends and I who began MOPS together awhile ago are now finding ourselves as the "older" moms in that group! 

But seriously, I have been thinking often of the direction to take in the days ahead.  There's got to be "something better than in the middle", right?  So many days we can get bogged down with the ordinary and forget to lift our eyes to the things of significance which are unfolding all around us if only we can see them.  

Hebrews 10:23-24 says, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,"  These objectives are close to my heart as I picture the months ahead.  I can't wait to dig in and really connect while building a community of women who are ready to move beyond the everyday and take on a deeper life together.  It is going to be good!  Stay tuned for more details.  We'll get started this summer with monthly get-togethers and other connections in between those larger gatherings.  This community of women will not be made up specifically of those who attend First Alliance Church.  We will not be age-specific or limited to any particular demographic.  Being a woman is the only requirement to participate. :)  I am looking forward to getting together with LOTS of my Erie friends.  Old and new.  Of course my own house is not big enough to host everyone so we will use a space at church instead! 

A really good song came on during our brief drive to preschool yesterday.  I LOVED hearing the kids sing it along with me!  Great one to really turn up the music and move beyond the middle ground that tends to bog us down way too easily... "All I Can Do" 

I hope that your day if off to a great start.  It is a sunny morning in Erie and that is always a bonus!  We'll talk soon! 

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