Thursday, April 17, 2014

Coaching Q&A + Cholesterol Transformation

Hello!  Thanks for stopping by my blog.  I hope that you had an enjoyable Thursday!  Our weather is improving here in Erie, PA.  We began the morning with a bit of snow still lingering here and there on the ground.  Not quite "park" weather this morning.  So we had some fun indoors instead.  This afternoon was just beautiful and I think that perhaps we can finally see the light at the end of this LONG winter!  :)  My husband and kids all enjoy riding their bicycles and this evening was perfect for a family outing.  I was on foot and alternated between walking/jogging.  The kids LOVE that I can keep up with them for quite a distance these days.  Why is it that I am not on a bike myself... well, true confession time.  I am a DISASTER on a bike.  We double-checked this statement over the weekend.  Still true!  Hazardous.  Literally.  My theory is that I logged so many hundreds of fantastic hours riding my ponies when I was younger that I just never quite got the hang of bike riding.  Maybe one day?  Do they make adult training wheels?  Hmm...

One of the best things about my job as a Beachbody Coach is the flexibility that comes with this business.  I tend to be a plan ahead type of person.  But I also HATE to feel claustrophobic when it comes to my own schedule.  I have learned (ahem, am learning!) that I must have solid intentions in place when it comes to maintaining margins within my own life.  I have been getting so many questions lately on how exactly does it work as a Beachbody coach?  Both from the perspective of a customer and as a coach?  So last night I stepped out of my comfort zone and made my first-ever YouTube video to talk about this exact topic.  Check out "Beachbody Coaching: How does it work as a Customer or a Coach?  I had recorded this video last night and this morning I took a look at my weekly commission.  Wednesday at midnight is the end of the week for Beachbody coaches.  Your new week begins each Thursday.  Anyways, update to what I shared during the video... During the past four weeks I have now surpassed the amount of income that I would have brought into our household while spending 20-25 hours working at my former position.  Add in the 50 mile round trip commute and I was gone too much, not to mention the travel expenses each day.  Right now I am spending an average of two hours per day on my Beachbody business and I am SO enjoying this!!  I share all of this to underline two points.  #1 is that I am deeply thankful to the Lord that my business is off to a successful start!  Not only are things balanced here with the household budget BUT I am also able to play a role in inspiring others towards better health.  I get to be there to offer encouragement as it all takes place!  Please don't let self-doubt hold you back from starting this process of change in your own life.  It is possible for you and so worthwhile!    #2 is that this is a genuine job opportunity that could be a fit for you!  Let me know if you are curious to learn more about this business.  I have to say that I am SO enjoying the community of Beachbody coaches and customers.  Just amazing to be part of this!

Now, on to the other topic of this blog post!  Yesterday I had shared a photo on FB that contained some VERY exciting news!!  Check it out below!  If this scenario brings to mind someone close to you, feel free to refer that person to me and I would be more than happy to share how I have made this significant health shift through seemingly small decisions/actions that take place each day.  One step at a time!  Substantially lowering my risk of heart trouble, stroke, diabetes, joint failure, and so many other things means a lot. And I am still on the journey myself!  I think of my family each morning as I begin my early workout.  I pause and picture their faces and the little voices of my kids and it propels me forward to do the best that I can each day. 

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