Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Glimpse into Today's Challenge Group Posts!

Hello!  I am smiling as I sit down to write this blog entry.  :)  I am currently in the middle of leading two Challenge Groups and I so wish that each of you reading my blog could experience just how effective (and fun!) these groups can be.  The first group is a 60 Day group where we are focusing on clean eating, daily workouts and drinking Shakeology.  I am leading that group with a coach Molly who joined my team in mid-March.  She had been a participant in another challenge group that I first led with my own sponsor coach and from there Molly just knew that she was ready to jump in and make a go of this business.  She is doing GREAT and I couldn't be more pleased with her sparkle and progress.  Exactly the type of coach that is a delight to have on my team.  Anyways, back to our 60 Day Challenge Group.  Today is Day 17 there.  We began on April 7th, after having spent seven days of preseason prep to got ourselves ready for this challenge.  Today I posted a note in the group which is generating responses that I just LOVE to hear from our challengers! 

Here is what I posted: 

Day 17: Good morning! How are we all doing today? I want you to share 5 things that you learned about yourself over the last 17 days… good and bad! Maybe this has been the first time you have ever stuck to a lifestyle change or workout routine, or maybe you realized that you can workout in the am or that you are stronger than you thought you were. This is a time to reflect on the positive changes you have made in your life. You may have not yet hit the number on the scale that you were hoping for but you are giving this your all and you are making big changes! I want you to shout it from the roof tops today that you are not waiting around for the perfect place and time. You are taking charge of your life today and doing what needs to be done to make yourself a healthier, happier and stronger individual.

And here are some of the responses... I asked the girls if I could share these anonymously via my blog and they agreed! 

1)I'm stronger than I ever thought 2) I'm actually enjoying this 3) I'm hardly ever hungry 4) I haven't wanted ice cream at all 5) I loved the way I looked before but love the energy and the way I look now.

1) I was ready for heavier weights 2) still can't trust myself with Doritos in the house lol 3) I do feel hungry when doing double workouts 4) I am contemplating becoming a coach 5) I don't ever want to stop working for a healthier me!

1) I actually can get up in the mornings to workout 2) I have more will power than I believed 3) I can still go out to eat with family and friends and stick to healthy eating 4) I can workout more than 3 of 4 days a week 5) participating in this FB group actually motivates me

1) peanut m&ms CANNOT be around me!- definitely my down fall. 2) I definitely get better results with anything I do when I have others to hold me accountable 3) I'm a TERRIBLE multi-tasker! 4) I love the idea of women empowering each other, rather than beating each other down. 5) I love my kids to death, but I am grateful to still have some sort of "independence"! (this is from a participant who is now a brand-new coach on Molly's team)

1) sticking/making time to working out everyday for more than 2 weeks.
2) I have no self discipline when junk food or chocolate is in the house and no one is around to catch me sneaking it.

3) getting stronger all over.
4) not dieting, but changing my lifestyle to clean and healthy eating.

5) I can do anything I put my mind to.

1) I can workout everyday even if it's only 30 min and am getting more out if it then my old 1hr+ workouts.
2) I can do abs after my abdominal hernia surgery and no longer have spasms guessing bc of strength!
3) I can't stick to this strict of a diet b
ut realize I can live with less carbs.
4) Getting toner and feeling better working out and doing Shakeology from home. (First time not working out at gym)
5) LOVE having you ladies to chat with about this experience!! What do I do after day 21 now?!

Now for the other Challenge Group that I am currently leading!  It is just Day 3 of Preseason there and we will officially begin on April 28th.  I am leading this group alongside of new coach Kara who joined my team just under two weeks ago.  Kara is actually a participant in the 60 Day group mentioned above!  She is a strategist who I knew would want to hit the ground running.  I am SO excited for all that she is learning so quickly as she jumps full-force into this endeavor.  Kara is one of the most practical encouragers that I know and coaching is a great fit for her!  Our April 28th group is focused specifically on the 21 Day Fix program.  We will run for 35 days, including preseason and then an additional week beyond the 21 days. This will allow time for those who ordered a bit later to receive their program and still fit in their own complete 21 days.  We will wrap up the day before Memorial Day!

Here is what I posted there today as everyone is getting their plans in place in order to successfully begin the challenge on Monday:

PRESEASON Day 3: Time to clean out your pantry and fridge! We want to do our best in setting ourselves up for success! For me, if it is sweet and available, I will be tempted to eat it. Knowing that many of us share our homes with others and they may not yet be embracing "clean eating", find the kitchen balance for yourself. I actually did this with my daughter who was 6 at the time. Pivotal moments that morning and I then knew that her eyes were going to be keeping me accountable in the day to day, after our big discussion on the "why" behind all of the changes!! I am going to include two blog links below. One is a recap of things that we had gotten rid of here while beginning this new lifestyle last September.  (Cleaning Out the Kitchen!) The other link is to my sister Rachel's blog and is a step-by-step in making over your pantry and fridge!!  (New You, New Kitchen!)

Clean Eating 101...
What to avoid:
• All over processed foods particularly white flour and sugar
• All chemically charge foods
• Food containing preservatives
• Artificial Sugars
• Artificial foods like sliced cheese
• Saturated and trans fats
• Sugar loaded beverages(juice)
• Alcohol intake(very limited)
• All calorie dense foods containing little or no nutritional value
• super sizing your meals

Sample Grocery List: I tend to shop at Wegmans and Sam's Club. Here are the items that are typically on my list for those places. I thought of you all as you prepare to shop and wondered if this would be helpful as a template? Of course it varies from week to week according to what we are making for dinner and needing to restock in the pantry. Many of the items last for a month or more. This is my basic list which I just go in and edit from one week to the next. (List was uploaded as a file for the group to use as a reference)

If this sort of camaraderie appeals to you or makes you think of a friend who has mentioned wanting to become more healthy but can't seem to make it happen with her current approach, just let me know!  Referrals are becoming a significant part of my business and I am so excited to see friends taking on these challenges together!

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