Saturday, July 25, 2015

Flexible Part Time = Full Time: Everyday to Extraordinary!

Team Beachbody Coach, Work from Home, Meaningful Career

Good morning!!  Welcome to my blog!  My name is Jeanette.  I am a wife, a mom and a Coach with Team Beachbody!  I am currently sitting in our home in our suburban neighborhood here in Erie, PA.  Last week at this time I was in Nashville for our annual Coach Summit where 25,000 of us coaches had gathered for some incredible days together!!  Best part - I got to go with my sister Rachel!  She is the one who got me into all of this in the first place.  

In September of 2013, I got started in a Challenge Group that my sister Rachel was leading.  Rachel had become a coach the month prior, after having begun her own health journey that May.  I began with clean eating and home fitness and with the support of my challenge groups, I have gone on to lose nearly 60 pounds!  I feel better than ever and am just plain thankful to be where I am today!

In March of 2014, I became a coach myself!  Rachel had been asking me about it for MONTHS but I kept on saying "No!", "No thanks", "Not right now".  That stemmed from thinking that this was weird and might be some sort of scam and what if I was not good at it and what if other people thought it was strange and who am I to be helping others with their own health and what if I could just not make a go of it??????  These thoughts and many others held me back.  In the meantime, we were very, very close to selling our home and downsizing due to troubles in our family budget.  We had bought our current place when my husband had his previous job and his current job required that we make some adjustments here.  All of those concerns listed above - the things that kept me from saying "yes"?  Well, God's hand was in this.  From my very first MONTH, I was able to earn enough to cover the cost of our mortgage here.  A couple of days ago, I made a video talking about being able to do that this week with my earnings from one WEEK as a coach. As I shared in the video, why am I talking about all of this??  Well, you might be looking for something extra to help your own family and this could be it!  Seriously.  I currently work 20-25 hours per week with where I am as a coach. I began with this with 12-15 hours per week.  I look forward to really being able to dive into my business once the kids begin school next month.  I am truly just getting started!  There are so many more things I would love to do each day but have to work with the time that I have as a mom.

I host a regular coaching open house via FB group and I would be glad to have you there with us!  My sister Rachel and I lead our team together.  We are building successful businesses and are so happy to be helping our coaches to do the same!  And we are GROWING --- how exciting!!!!

Looking back through my photos from last week's trip to Nashville, I was reminded again of how much I LOVE this company!  I have gotten to know some incredible coaches who live all over this continent.  My sister Rachel's own coach Melanie is the #1 coach out of 360,000+ coaches and it is amazing to have the best support and tools right at our fingertips.  Summit was a big celebration for us as well as a top-notch learning opportunity!

 Team Beachbody Coach, Work from Home, Meaningful Career

Some begin coaching in the midst of their journey of significant weight loss.  Others do not need to lose any weight - they are looking to gain strength and energy.  Some are looking to get off of medications for an array of ailments.  Clean eating and Shakeology go a LONG way in this area.  After finding our own success and seeing this happen for others over and over again, it is too EXCITING not to share this with others! 

Team Beachbody Coach, Work from Home, Meaningful Career

Some coaches work at the hobby level and delight in helping family and a few friends to reach their own goals.  Other coaches are building a significant business and are truly carrying the household budget based on their coaching career.  There are NO MINIMUMS and also NO LIMITS in what you can do with this as a business.  All of us are thankful for the quality people that we have met and continue to meet in this endeavor.  I have been part of many "groups" of people and quite a few initiatives throughout my life as a leader and person of action.  My coach friends are the best!  These are positive, caring, motivated people who are living proof that change is possible and we are done with the status-quo of our society.  Join us!

 Team Beachbody Coach, Work from Home, Meaningful Career
I remember how I used to worry over my declining health and I thought that at best I would maintain where I was... never mind the huge improvements that I have seenMotherhood is a great joy but I used to wonder if I would be able to find something of my own in the midst of it, without trading off too many things here. I LOVE that I can help others all over the country (and world, even!) to find the same success that I have had. Life change is POSSIBLE, REAL and NECESSARY! Time to change up the status quo in our society!

Team Beachbody Coach, Work from Home, Meaningful Career

Being on my own journey of health and becoming a coach who helps others and leads my team alongside of my sister has been a surprise twist that I did not see coming at first! Now I can not imagine life any other way!  I was a SKEPTIC! My sister asked me about this sooooooooo many times and we were at the point of very nearly selling our home before I finally said yes. And you know what? This is beyond anything that I could have estimated for myself!

Team Beachbody Coach, Work from Home, Meaningful Career
You are invited to join me in my next coaching info session to learn more about if coaching could be a fit for you!  Send me a friend request at and we will get started!
Team Beachbody Coach, Work from Home, Meaningful Career

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