Saturday, October 11, 2014

Is that You?!?!

For Women Only Expo, Display Table

Last night involved doing something NEW!  I took a few steps outside of my comfort zone and agreed to cover a booth during Erie's "For Women Only" expo.  This event is taking place at our Bayfront Convention Center.  Check out this page for more details on what is happening there this weekend!  I have been thinking for a while now about how I would really enjoy the opportunity to do more face-to-face marketing of my business.  I am a social media person but would also like to supplement my efforts there with more in-person business.  When I was contacted about the idea of working a booth, I knew it would be a tight squeeze to get this on the calendar after returning from CT less than 48 hours prior to the event.  But I felt that it would be a valuable opportunity for me as an individual and also for the local coaches who are part of my team.  Kathy Williams is a friend who recently joined my team and it was nice to spend some time working the table together!  Kathy is the blonde in the photo above.  As I weighed whether or not to participate in the expo, I kept hearing a similar quote from several sources.  Something about how hesitation kills more dreams than failure.  I decided to jump in with a commitment for this weekend.  I am so glad that I said "yes"!

My time at the expo table included many "full circle" moments.  I heard over and over again, "Is that you?!?!".  This was asked in response to my poster-sized before/after photos which are on display.  I do not share these things for the sake of recognition.  Rather, my heart is that others will see these images and become convinced that change IS possible and that they could make this work in their own lives!  Hurray for clean eating, Shakeology and home workout programs!  There were quite a few people who stated rather sheepishly that they do in fact own some of these programs and they are sitting on a shelf at home.  They had never heard of a challenge group.  I really think that being in a group like this tips the balance for so many of us. This is what helps us to get it done!  Being in proximity to a DVD may not be enough to keep you on track with it for the long haul.  Being in proximity to others who are doing the program with you is key!  THIS is what brings it all together as we keep each other accountable and encouraged on the journey!

I truly enjoyed connecting with so many people in person last night.  If we met last night and you are now reading this blog entry today, "hello again" and welcome to my blog!  Here are a few highlights which made me smile!  I appreciate life's tapestry of individuals and how we shape one another's days...

The 68 year old horse girl with the 28 year old Arab at home.  Last year's heart attack is not getting the best of you!  You came to the convention center sporting some nifty boots and you made me smile during our initial conversation and again each time you walked back past our table while trying to locate your group of friends!

To the mom shopping with your 7 year old daughter.  I most enjoyed our conversation and hope to connect again soon.  It would be lovely to interact with you in a challenge group!  There was something about you that instantly clicked with me!

To the ladies who work at Wegmans West...  You were walking past and I knew that you looked familiar!  Thanks for helping me to figure out why?   I enjoyed talking groceries with you!  Especially since you work in Produce and Nature's Marketplace!  This is where I do the bulk of my grocery shopping.     

There were several sets of moms and teenage/college athlete daughters.  I LOVE how our Beachbody programs truly appeal to this span of ages and experiences.  It was heart-warming to see you out enjoying the evening together.  

To the mom with the 3 year old who is planning your wedding for next October... you are such a sweetheart and I hope that you get a chance to check out PiYo.  It could be your perfect match as you work towards your goals with that big day and new chapter in life!

There were the ladies who said that they don't like anything that tastes like vitamins and kept on walking.  You seemed to be having a great evening together and you were a memorable combination of individuals!  Shakeology really doesn't "taste like vitamins".  Maybe one day you will give it a try?

It was neat to meet other local coaches and to spend a few minutes talking shop with you!

There were a handful of individuals who already knew who I was because a mutual friend had mentioned me to them somewhere along the way!  That was an interesting dynamic that was new to me.  :)  It was good to meet you girls and your friends are right... you could totally make a go of all this!  Thanks for introducing yourselves to me last night!

To the delightful older woman who was my own biggest surprise of the evening!!!  We began to chat and you went on to tell me how much you LOVE Shaun-T and how you just can't get enough of him and Hip-Hop Abs and how you do it regularly!  

It was great to see some friends of mine!  Thank you for stopping by my table!  To those who picked up Shakeology samples, I look forward to hearing how you like it and we can see if there is a way to incorporate this into your routine.  :)

There was an older woman who saw our giveaway for Brazil Butt Lift and she asked if I could just find a younger man to give her a lift and help her carry it around each day?  You were funny!

There was the lady who totally appealed to my own "nerd" side!!  You looked at the Expo vendors online and then went on to spend some time researching the 21 Day Fix yourself before coming to the Expo last night!  We would be so glad to help you with getting started with the Fix!

Okay, I could go on and on... bottom line, it was FANTASTIC to chat with so many people who said how someone they know is doing these programs and how bottom line, they WORK!  We are able to truly change our lives while making adjustments in our own homes and routines.  We spoke with a women who has a 400 pound brother who is making progress with Beachbody!  There were quite a few women who have daughters who are young moms and they have gotten back to where they want to be through Shakeology and our workouts.  These women shared over and over again how they are so glad to see their daughters feeling good and how they themselves had been skeptical of all this but now they see that it really does make a difference.  I LOVE it!  Let's keep going together!  If you are interested in learning more about challenge groups, I would be happy to give you more details! 

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