Saturday, March 15, 2014

Q&A: Breaking It Down Four Ways!

I have been thinking about this blog entry over the past several days.  Recently, more than ever, I am getting so many questions on "how exactly are you doing this?" or "so what is a challenge group anyways?" or "did you have to stop eating all carbs?" or "what is in that Shakeology drink?" and "you must workout for at least an hour everyday?"... you get the idea!  I pretty much look back on the past six months (TOMORROW is my exact 6 month mark!!!!) and there are four areas that have made the biggest difference for me.  I have said before that I never would have been brave enough to jump into this lifestyle change if it had not been for my sister Rachel as my Team BeachBody coach.  That particular aspect of my own on-going transformation plays a large role in why I decided to become a coach myself!  I know that some of you are wanting to make a change but are not sure where and how to begin?  And from there, how to keep it going to the point where all of this just becomes your "new normal"?  

1) What is a Challenge Group?

A challenge group is typically a 60 day group. This all takes place through a closed facebook group. Only the members of the group can see what is being posted.  NONE of this comes up in your newsfeed!!  What I do is help you to customize your health and fitness goals to meet your needs. Then I help you to select the best Beachbody workout to get there based on your ability level. You replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the next 60 days to give your body 1 meal that is supercharged with ingredients that will give you natural energy.  Your cravings will be curbed, you will stay full for at least 3 hours.  Then, I am going to teach you how to plan the other meals of the day. I will help you create a customized meal plan, give you recipes, snack ideas, tips, motivation and keep you accountable. Every day I post in the challenge group a daily mind-set, tip, encouragement or challenge! You check in and rate your date and read what is posted. We all keep each other accountable!  We will address emotional eating, eating out at restaurants, going on vacation, temptations, cheat meals, body image and more! I have an entire curriculum for my group!  Does this sound like something you would like to do?

2) What is Shakeology?
Shakeology is not just another protein shake. This is actually a meal replacement which means that it has the proper carb to protein ratio that you need in a meal to keep you full for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Shakeology combines the fast burning complex carbs and the slow burning fuel. Together they are what make a complete meal. Also, Shakeology is equivalent to eating 6 salads in one meal.  70 super-foods all in one delicious serving! I will be honest I was a little skeptical at first and was certainly not looking to add any expenses to the budget!  But now that I have given it a try, I will never go back. I no longer crave sweets, I have SO much more energy in general.  As a mom, this is VERY helpful!  Shakeology is quick and easy for when I'm busy and don't have time to make a meal! It has saved me in so many situations. Honestly it really is worth it.  I oftentimes suggest to people that you could use Shakeology to replace whatever meal of the day is your own "weakest link".  You will be AMAZED at the results!

3) What is Clean Eating?

Clean Eating may be described differently by different people.  But here is the gist of it! 

What to Avoid:

  • All over processed foods particularly white flour and sugar
  • All chemically charged foods
  • Food containing preservatives
  • Artificial Sugars
  • Artificial foods like sliced cheese
  • Saturated and trans fats
  • Sugar loaded beverages(juice)
  • Alcohol intake(very limited)
  • All calorie dense foods containing little or no nutritional value
  • super sizing your meals
So, what DO you eat AND perhaps prepare for a family while "eating clean"?  Basically, we keep it simple!  The recipes are not complex and the foods are not hard to find!  Here is a sample of my own menu plan for the week of March 17th.

4) What kind of workouts do you offer? 
BeachBody truly has a workout that would suit anyone who is interested in pursuing fitness!  No matter your starting level!  You can check out my site at and there you will find all sorts of
descriptions on the workouts that are currently available!  I did Chalean Extreme for my workout during the first five+ months of this lifestyle change.  I switched to the 21 Day Fix not long ago and am greatly enjoying that as well!  Both of these programs involve workouts that are typically 30-35 minutes in length.  I had hit a plateau with my recent regime and it was time to make a change.  The past 10 days have been fantastic!  I am working different muscles and learned quite a few things about my own nutritional needs.
Not everyone in the Challenge Group is doing the same workout.  But we are all able to support one another and oftentimes it is interesting to hear what others are doing as you
file away ideas for what may be of interest to you in regards to future workouts!  The best way to begin is to order a "Challenge Pack", which will include your DVD-based workout, a few accessories and one month supply of Shakeology. 

So now you have a better idea of the tools that I have used in order to make a change in my own life!  This journey has been so worth it.  In fact, earlier today we were celebrating my son's 5th birthday with all of my family.  We were at this nifty place called "Fun Central", located in Clearfield, PA.  They offer this amazing climbing course/soft play area.  I was talking with my husband during our drive back to Erie this evening and was telling him that six months ago there is no way that I would have had the strength, agility or confidence to enter into that climbing area.  The kids enjoyed having me alongside of them and this is just one little gem that I treasure as I look back on "why" this is all worth it!  Where would you like to be six months from now?  With the right tools, you can get started in that direction!  My next challenge group begins in a few weeks.  :)  YOU could be there with me!

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